PALM DESERT, Aug. 18, 2016 – The modern Olympic Games are more than 100 years old and yet the U.S. trio of Bianna Rollins, Nia Ali and Kristi Castlin did something new. They swept the medals in the 100 m Hurdles, the first time one country had done that. More Olympic history in Rio.
The Sports Examiner has full coverage of the Rio Games with your guide to Day 13, with the U.S. continuing to pile up the points in our unofficial team scoring of the Games, plus previews of all 25 Thursday finals across 11 sports.
All the details are here: the stats, facts, previews and notes that you can download and carry on your phone, tablet or desktop to keep you informed on today’s events in Rio! Click here for the PDF!
Some of you didn’t get the correct link for our Wednesday edition, with Simone Biles on the cover; click here to go to that issue.
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