PALM DESERT, Aug. 8, 2016 – If you’re looking for back issues of The Sports Examiner, you’ve come to the right place:
- August 6, 2016: Rio 2016: Let’s Get This Party Started!
- August 7, 2016: Rio 2016: Golden Eye: USA’s Ginny Thrasher
- August 8, 2016: Rio 2016: Being No. 1 Never Gets Old
- August 9, 2016: Rio 2016: It’s Good to be the King!
- August 10, 2016: Rio 2016: Hungary like a Champion!
- August 11, 2016: Rio 2016: Golden Girls!
- August 12, 2016: Rio 2016: Back-to-back, solid gold!
- August 13, 2016: Rio 2016: La Belle Michelle!
- August 14, 2016: Rio 2016: The Greatest Swim Team Ever?
- August 15, 2016: Rio 2016: Wayde van Wonderful!
- August 16, 2016: Rio 2016: Brazilian Gold!
- August 17, 2016: Rio 2016: In a Class by Herself!
- August 18, 2016: Rio 2016: Sweep!
- August 19, 2016: Rio 2016: Red, White, Blue and Gold!
- August 20, 2016: Rio 2016: Lane One leads to Gold!
- August 21, 2016: Rio 2016: Dynasty
- August 22, 2016: Rio 2016: Thanks for the Memories
- August 24, 2016: EXTRA: Rio Retrospective
- August 29, 2016: I’m in the Money!
We’ll post additional issues until TheSportsExaminer.com site is ready and available! Enjoy!
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